Well I have not been in my craft room for a while, but it doesn't stop me from browsing my looong blog list for inspiration :-) This photo from Scrap Friends grabbed my attention straight away!
How scrumptious is all this lovely product!!! I have been trying to do a bit of Christmas scrapping and Christmas cards etc... But I must sadly my Christmas supplies are dwindling. The last few years I've kind of looked at all the Christmas collections and thought... No I've got plenty. When in fact I don't... Especially beautiful classic colours like these... I have a real love at the moment for the real traditional colours lol. SO, if you want a chance to win this beautiful lot head over here to find out the details. Good luck!!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Christmas Blog Hop!!!
Good morning!!! Welcome to hour final hop for the year... YIKES!!! As you can see it's just a small one as it's rather a busy time for everyone. But I do hope you enjoy our little hop :-)
I just can't believe Christmas is just around the corner. We will be putting our tree up on Saturday. Yay!!!
Here was last years decorating experience...
My boys are SO totally excited about Christmas this year. We have already been to get our Santa photo... and for the first year EVER Royce was happy (even excited) to sit on Santa's knee :-)
See... last year Santa had to hide!
They've both been busy crafting too. Evan has made a beautiful picture for Santa and wrapped it all up to hang on the tree as a present for Santa... I would love to show you the amazing picture inside... but it's all wrapped for Santa lol Royce had made him a bauble which he also wrapped up with a little help from me. They have also both coloured in and pinned together a couple of Santa decorations. How awesome do they look!!! I didn't help either of them with these. Evan helped Royce with the split pins. These boys never cease to amaze me!!! I'm so thankful everyday and think I may just be one of the luckiest people in the World to be Mum to these two beautiful boys <3 p="p">3>
I have been crafting too!
I whipped up these super quick cards this morning using a Kaisercraft mini-stamp that I coloured using my Copics... boy it's been a while since I've had them out! For some reason they look really flat... but is is a real bow underneath and the stamp is mounted on foam tape. I also used the paper that came free with the latest issue of Scrapbooking Memories. You can get the digital version of this here. Oh, and if you have a copy of Scrapbooking Memories, check out page 86!!! Two rather cute little boys can be seen... having a little disagreement lol... yep it's not always sunshine and smiles with these two (just most of the time).
Ok, well I think I've rattle on enough. Head over to Sonia's beautiful blog to see what she has come up with. And I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends, and a happy and safe New Year!!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Kraft It Up: November Challenge
Good afternoon! There are a million and one things I could be doing right now. With renovations in full swing here my house is in all sorts of disarray. My vegetable garden has no edible plants in it at all and my native garden has more weeds than natives... but I woke up this morning and thought PFFT!!! Bugger everything I should be doing... I'm tired, have a head ache and have to work tonight. Today I am going to do something for me :-) I had a browse through my reading list and found the November Challenge for Kraft It Up! Yep, I've spent the morning scrapping. I chose a random (and rather cute photo) and VOILA!!!
This came together super fast for me :-D All finished and stuck down before lunch :-O A photo of my dear little boy fast asleep! The challenge was 'mimimalist'. Love this style... although I struggle a bit. There's a good deal of 'white space' in this layout... I think. Although, I did manage to squeeze a fair bit of stuff on too. I've used a kraft bag and badge from The Greatest View, a cute little button and some twine from Purple Pumpkin (I thought the little teddy in the plane matched the photo and the 'soar' badge so well) and some gorgeous pins from A Li'l Something. The chipboard stars are from Stuff 2 Scrap and the chipboard title is from Scrap Fx. I covered the chipboard stars and title in Smooch Spritz... I'm telling you this because it has the most amazing shimmer and sparkle, but it doesn't show up very well in the photo. Below is my little bit of journalling that is inside the bag if you're interested :-) Head over to Kraft It Up to see the DT;s beautiful example and the other entries. Oh, and Kraft It Up is having a DT call too!!! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you're having a SUPER day!
I love watching you sleep Royce. You sleep so soundly, so peacefully, so innocently. You go to bed so happily every night. You snuggle down next to Charlie Bear, Woody, Jessie, Scooby Doo, SpottyWot or another one of your favourite toys... Actually, It's almost always more than one and often I have to pull them out from under you after you have fallen asleep! Every night I give you a kiss and you give me one back. Every night I tell you "I love you" and your tell me "I love you too Mummy". Every night as I walk out of the room you will say "see you in the morning" or "sweet dreams" or something along those lines. And every night I walk out of your room wondering how on Earth was I lucky enough to have such a beautiful little boy. I love you so much xoxox
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Feeling Sketchy: Week 31 - Scrapbook sketch
Good afternoon! This will be a super quick post before I head off to take Evan to his swimming lesson. Over at Feeling Sketchy this week they have a scrapbook sketch:

I like this and might even keep it handy for one of my scrapbook layouts. However, you are allowed to make a card if you wish. I chose this option simply because I really wanted to make a couple of nice cards for Evan's teacher and integration aid as they have both done an outstanding job! I really couldn't have asked any more from them and am just so grateful that he has had them there for him in his first year of school :-)
So below you can see my take on the sketch. They're both fairly similar, just a few adjustments here and there. I'm kind of umming and ahhing as to whether I should have made them completely different. I figure I've got a little time to decide... and I can always give one of these to Royce's kinder teacher ;-)
Sorry, the photos aren't that great :-/
So that's pretty much it from me. Head over to the Week 31 post for details and to have a squiz at all the DT's lovely work. Thanks for dropping by and I hope you're having a SUPER day!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Blog Hop... Numbers!
Good morning! Thanks for joining us for this little blog hop. I'm first cab off the rank!
And here is a list of the gorgeous ladies joining us this month... just in case you get lost.
And here is a list of the gorgeous ladies joining us this month... just in case you get lost.
Kerri <--- You are here :-)
Ok... Numbers... Well obviously there are many numbers that may be important to people. Birthdays, anniversaries, lucky numbers etc. I started writing this post with a couple of dates... the day I met met my husband, and the day I became a Mum. Two very significant numbers for obvious reasons! However, my post was going into WAY to much detail and I didn't think anyone would have made it to the end.
So I've got a different number in my head now... 365 (or 366 if it's a leap year). Yep! Make every day count I say!!! Now, people who know me might argue that I don't. I don't have any HUGE career aspirations, personal goals or even much of a bucket list! But you know what, I'm HAPPY! And every day I get to spend with my husband and my boys is a blessing! Sometimes I think people are too busy trying to 'reach their goals' that they're missing out on the little things in life that can have just as much impact. I'm not saying people shouldn't have goals, dreams or shouldn't want to be high achievers. I think there just needs to be balance. You know... "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things" ~Robert Brault
For me, scrapbooking has played a big part in helping me to see this. When I was younger the glass was always half empty... I really wasn't enjoying life - appreciating life. Scrapbooking really has opened my eyes. It's made me look at all the positives, no matter how small. It really did turned my life around. Although I was never formally diagnosed... I would say that I suffered depression... quite bad too. To the extent that I really struggled living every day! They were all just so god damn hard! Even though I still have a few crappy days here and there, it never seems ANYWHERE near as bad as what it was back then. Really do have scrapbooking to thank for that. Scrapbooking and my boys of course!
A couple of years ago I actually did Project 365... to have a record of all those little things. For those who haven't heard of this, it's where you take a photo every day for a year. OK. I admit it was hard work. And I did miss one day. But I did it. Not every day had a photo... but it had something. As it was every day, the scrapbooking was not highly inventive, or even particularly attractive.... but it's there, and I love having it!!! Here are a few examples...
It is just in a normal A4 binder (or four actually). Most pages have two days to a page, although I was not strict on this... one page I even managed to squeeze four days lol. If your really want to record all the little things in your life, this is a great project! I will probably do it again... maybe in a year or two. It will probably be more basic, just a photo with a line of journalling... Although it was a great way to use up all those scraps!!! And it's funny that I didn't include it at some stage over the year, but I have fond memories of dropping off my eldest at Kinder and taking my youngest down to Dick Smith once a week/fornight to get the photos printed out. We would get some chippies or a doughnut from the shop next door, and just spend time together. It really was a Mummy and Royce 'thing'.
OK, enough babble from me. Thanks for stopping by and ENJOY the rest of our numbers hop! For this you need to head Lucy's gorgeous blog :-)
OK, enough babble from me. Thanks for stopping by and ENJOY the rest of our numbers hop! For this you need to head Lucy's gorgeous blog :-)
And remember...
“The most important things in life aren't things.” Anthony J. D'Angelo
Friday, October 12, 2012
Purple Pumpkin - October sketch :-)
G'day! Well I'm spending a Friday evening in my craft room with my two boys. We're renovating at the moment and our house is freezing!!! So we've had an early dinner and bath and are now lovely and snug in my craft room with the little oil heater going :-) We've had to sacrifice a couple of cheapy Santa hats for tonight's project... but I think it's worth it. Evan has been wanting to make a King's crown for a while now. And of course Royce is happy to go with the flow. The main thing is that we are spending some quality time together.
I really should be doing something crafty too. My plan was to make a few Christmas cards... but I'm really just too tired to be bothered at the moment. So instead, while they are going completely crazy with the 'jewels', I thought I might quickly pop in here and share my layout that I've completed for Purple Pumpkin's October sketch.
This really was my 'type' of sketch. One photo, a few clusters of embellishments... yep I liked it :-) LOVE this range of paper from My Minds Eye. And the Purple Pumpkin button and heart were perfect for the touch of orang in the patterned paper! Okay well this is really short and sweet for me because Evan is ready to glue his crown together. Hope you're having a lovely day and thanks for popping by!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Purple Pumpkin - September Sketch
Good afternoon! I thought I would get one quick challenge in before the end of the month. This is for the Purple Pumpkin September Sketch. I stuck SO close to the sketch! That's what I love about sketches... they require A LOT less thinking about placement, which I'm just not that great at. Anyway, here it is:
As usual there is nothing too tricky here. I've used a whole heap of old Christmas paper (Kaiser and Francheville) and lots of gold ink and Perfect Pearls for that extra sparkle :-) And of course a couple of Purple Pumpkin buttons, which I just love! Head over to their store if you want to check them out. Well that's it from me today. Nice and short! Hope you're having a SUPER day and thanks for stopping by :-)
Friday, September 28, 2012
Blog Hop.. Time!
"Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time." ~ Jim Rohn
Yep, couldn't agree with this more! Thanks for joining us on our blog hop. Here is a list in case you get lost along the way:
Kerri <<< You are here!
The theme this month is 'time'. Well I'm sure I could waffle on for hours about this theme, but I think I'll just pop up a few random images related to time.
Here are some recent photos of my three boys. Evan dressed up as a farmer for his school concert. They sang 'Home Among the Gum Trees'. Too cute!!! And I couldn't have been any prouder of him :-) A cute photo of Royce taken in Queensland a few weeks ago when we went up for my cousins 18th. I couldn't be any prouder of this little feller either... he just oozes personality! And last, but certainly my hubby. He's been spending his time off renovating our kitchen and dining room! LONG over due... but like my husband says... patience is a virtue... good things come to those who wait... blah, blah, blah lol. But in all seriousness, he truly is a wonderful husband and father. And I have had to be VERY patient (like 9 years lol), but I know it was the sensible thing to do and we are definitely in a much better financial position because of our/his patience.
At this point in time we also have some local magpies who have taken up residency in our front yard.
This little guy fell out of a tree outside our house so I brought him into our front yard to keep him safe. It would have been the funniest thing to watch. His dad was attacking me relentlessly as I move him from the footpath to our garden. Lucky I took advice from the local wildlife sanctuary and took the umbrella with me. He's growing so quickly under the care of his mum and protection of his dad... who absolutely hates me and has drawn blood more than once! As much as it is a pain (we have not been able to go into our front yard for a few weeks now) I love that my boys are getting to see this little guy grow! It's experiences like this that are completely priceless!
Finally, something crafty! I'm going to be OH SO brave. I'm going to take you back in time and share my VERY FIRST layout!!! Here it is:
Yikes!!! Not even any cardstock used here. I didn't even know what that was lol. But even back then I included journaling... it's hidden behind the photo of us. I know some people who have thrown out their earlier layouts they hated them so much. But I really love to see how they have changed over time. So you can see (hopefully) some improvement, here is my most recent layout... I haven't had too much crafty time lately, so this one was completed in record time!
I guess this relates to the 'time' theme as well... Woody has been a part of our family since Royce could walk. As you can see we've been through a few of them over the years. I have a really bad memory, so I love that in years to come I will be able to look back at these pages and remember and cherish all these beautiful moments :-)
OK, I will stop waffling now :-) Thank you so much for stopping by. It's now time to hop on over to Marcia's beautiful blog to see her take 'time'.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Scrap the Boys - August Challenge
Scroll down if you're here for the YELLOW blog hop :-)
I thought I would quickly sneak this in. I'm getting an ever growing collection of artwork from my eldest son, Evan. But Royce really is just not that 'into' it.... although in saying that, neither was Evan until his hands had the control and coordination to do what he wanted them too (he's quite fussy lol). I think Royce might be very much the same. Anyway, the week before last I did get a little something home from kinder. Royce made a magic wand!!! Very cute... and he spent most of the afternoon and evening turning the very obliging Mummy and Daddy into frogs! So, once he was all magicianed out I asked him if I could scrap it... and yes he knows exactly what I mean by that! He said no first, but with a 'pretty please' thrown in he replied 'sure, no worries'... he really is the dearest little mite! SO... here's the layout
I've used My Minds Eye (On The Bright Side... LOVE this range) paper and lots of other bits and pieces :-) I'm going to enter this into the August Challenge over at Scrap the Boys. I remember reading about this challenge a while ago, and thought it would have been last months... but no, I'm just in time! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you're having a wOnderFul day!
YELLOW blog hop :-)
Hello! Thanks for joining in our blog hop. Here is the list of where you need to go just in case you get lost:
Yellow... well, would you believe it is my favourite colour!!! Well, yellow and green come equal first for me. I think I love green because it always reminds me of nature, and yellow, because it is just so bright and happy :-) I even had yellow bridesmaids dresses for our wedding! What to take a photo of for this month though... my very first thought was wattle! There just so happened to be some beautiful wattle at my sons school... the problem is, that it has already started dying off, and just isn't the same as what it was a few weeks ago. So the next best thing... a layout with wattle on it!
I did this layout a while ago at a retreat I attended. This is my beautiful boy, Evan, and his pet budgie, Cocky. Yep, you read right, a budgie called Cocky. His yellow like the crest of a cockatoo ;-) Evan has Autism. It's mild, but one of the things about Autism is that you can be a little (or a lot) obsessive-compulsive. Evan use to be 'mad' on Buzz Lightyear and then Ben 10, but through lots of encouragement he has broadened his interests... now he has many, MANY interests... and generally just decides when he wakes up (for what ever reason I don't know) which one will be top of the list for the day. One of them his interests is Cockatoos. He would LOVE one of his own, but in suburbia they can be a little annoying (for the neighbours anyway). So for Evan's birthday this year I found this beautiful little guy who I thought would be the next best thing. He was promptly named 'Cocky' by Evan and has very quickly tamed down and become an important part of our family. I was a little worried to begin with as Evan does have some sensory issues, particularly around his ears and neck (haircuts are H.A.R.D.), but he seems to cope incredibly well. Cocky does get 'ticklish', but Evan has been so careful... he really does have such a beautiful, gentle nature, particularly with animals xoxox
Here he is helping Evan with his reading... the photo is from my phone so you'll have to excuse the quality.

He's starting to talk now too... it's very cute he waits till he thinks no one is listening before he starts practicing. He has also started mimicking some of the birds outside... and our microwave :-)
Look at that cheeky li'l face. His sitting on my shoulder here... it is not easy to get a photo when he's on your shoulder. Thank goodness for my cameras flip-screeny thing-a-ma-bob lol Well that's just about enough rambling from me. If you're still with me head on over to Leonie's gorgeous blog next!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Purple Pumpkin - August Challenge
Hi! I'm on a roll. Two layouts in two days... that's just about a record for me! And I plan on getting a few cards made tonight too! Anyway, I decided to have a go at the challenge over at Purple Pumpkin since I have a HUGE pile of their goodies in my stash. Here is what you needed to include:
1. Paint
2. Use a Button
3. Add some twine
4. Include some fussy cutting
5. Spray ink
6. A flower
7. A doiley
8. Use two different alphas for your title
1. Paint
2. Use a Button
3. Add some twine
4. Include some fussy cutting
5. Spray ink
6. A flower
7. A doiley
8. Use two different alphas for your title
Here is my result:
Not bad... a layout completed in one day with no sketch! Although I must say this basic layout design can be seen A LOT in my scrapbook album lol
For this layout I've used a Purple Pumkin button, flower, doily and twine. I've rubbed paint around most of the paper edges and around the photo. This really makes the layers pop a lot more than they would if I had used white ink. The background has a layer of gesso and then some Glimmer Mist brushed over it with a few splatters for good measure. I've fussy cut the Bella Boulevard (Super Stud) paper... I'm not sure whether it is technically 'fussy cutting'... but it did take me a while, and even used my craft knife to pop out a few of the squares... I don't very often use the old craft knife (I lack both the patience and skill lol), so that's pretty good for me. And finally, I've raided my boys craft stash for a few sparkly stars and beads.
If you want to check out the DT examples and the other lovely entries head over here. Well that's it from me... busy day ahead! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you're have a wonderful day xoxo
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Greatest View Giveaway - Greatest View
Second post for the day! I just had to blog about this.
Greatest View Giveaway - Greatest View

Not only because you can win this lovely prize, but because I wanted to share the page... I don't know how I haven't stumbled accross them before... maybe I have, but haven't had the time (or money) to have a decent look. Well, OMG, lots of gorgeous handmade bits and pieces. I really do like to buy unique, handmade products. Especially when they're made in Australia :-) I'm actually thinking I might go put in an order now... but I'm pretty sure that badge with a yellow feather says 'gentle'... I already have a definite use for that one!!! Yikes!!!
Greatest View Giveaway - Greatest View
Not only because you can win this lovely prize, but because I wanted to share the page... I don't know how I haven't stumbled accross them before... maybe I have, but haven't had the time (or money) to have a decent look. Well, OMG, lots of gorgeous handmade bits and pieces. I really do like to buy unique, handmade products. Especially when they're made in Australia :-) I'm actually thinking I might go put in an order now... but I'm pretty sure that badge with a yellow feather says 'gentle'... I already have a definite use for that one!!! Yikes!!!
Stuck?!: Bonus Sketch #2
Good morning! I scrapped last night... woohoo! As I've said before, I'm not a natural when it comes to scrapbooking, or anything artsy for that matter. So sometimes it's actually hard work for me... I still love it though. Sketches are always a great help to me and I usually follow them pretty closely. This layout is based on the second bonus sketch over at Stuck?! They are have extra sketches this month as they are celebrating their birthday :-) Head here to check it out! They're also having a blog hop with lots of goodies up for grabs. That finishes this Sunday, so head here if you want to have a go of that. Okay here is my take on the sketch:
These photos were taken at Lake Tooliorook. As you can see I've rotated the sketch clockwise, but other than that it's pretty much spot on. It's a simple layout, with nothing very tricky involved at all. I think sometimes it's very easy to get wrapped up in the latest techniques and products and forget the reason why we scrap in the first place... although in saying that it is always fun trying them :-)
I've used the Lime Twist range from My Minds Eye, buttons from A li'l somethin (who happen to be having a sale tonight), and the vinyl heart and twine are from Purple Pumpkin. Well I better be off... I have fathers day gifts and cards to organise... and I promised Royce I would take him for a ride on his bike now the weather is looking nicer! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you're having a beautiful day xoxox
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Purple Pumpkin: Washi Tape Giveaway!
Lookie here!!! As they say, "Ya gotta be in it to win it" :-)

Purple Pumpkin: Washi Tape Giveaway! Really hope I win as a lot of there stock is sold out at the moment... I was just WAY too slow! Thanks for stopping by and I will be back tomorrow with a layout!!!
Purple Pumpkin: Washi Tape Giveaway! Really hope I win as a lot of there stock is sold out at the moment... I was just WAY too slow! Thanks for stopping by and I will be back tomorrow with a layout!!!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Winter Blog Hop winner!
Good afternoon! Sorry... just a little late. Both boys are home today, but that's really no... just completely forgot. Here is the winner of my random draw. In case you can't see (or read my writing) that is number 11.
Which is... Lizzy Hill. Congratulations!!! I will be in touch with you shortly to get some details from you.
While I'm here I might just share a quick layout...
Some pretty Prima flowers, a title using my Making Memories slice, some butterfly stamps coloured with my Copics... and see the pretty leaves... cheap earring from Kmart!!! Love them! That's it from me for today. Hope you have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by :-)
Which is... Lizzy Hill. Congratulations!!! I will be in touch with you shortly to get some details from you.
While I'm here I might just share a quick layout...
Some pretty Prima flowers, a title using my Making Memories slice, some butterfly stamps coloured with my Copics... and see the pretty leaves... cheap earring from Kmart!!! Love them! That's it from me for today. Hope you have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by :-)
Friday, July 27, 2012
Winter Blog Hop :-)
Hello! So glad you could join me and a few other ladies for our 'winter' blog hop. Firstly I would like to say a BIG thank you to all these lovely ladies for letting me join in on their hop. I must admit I'm little star struck and incredibly humbled to be included in a hop with so many talented ladies, most of whom I've admired their work for many years :-)
Ok, on with the hop! The theme is winter and there are no rules! SO, I'm going to share a few pics, a layout and even have a little give away to celebrate my first ever blog hop!
Here is a list of where you need to go:
Kerri <--- You are here
Ok, on with the hop! The theme is winter and there are no rules! SO, I'm going to share a few pics, a layout and even have a little give away to celebrate my first ever blog hop!
Here is a list of where you need to go:
Kerri <--- You are here
Winter: For me, it is the BEST, time of year. Yes, I'll have a whinge about the cold occasionally, but generally I love it! Snuggling up on the couch with a mocha and good book, movie nights with the boys, rain on the tin roof, refreshing walks in the cool air... in the middle of the day (being fair the sun is my number one enemy lol). Football is also a winter activity for us. My eldest does Auskick, but both of my boys enjoy getting down to the oval for a kick with Mummy and Daddy :-) And of course getting into my scrapbooking room on a wet rainy day is also SUPER nice!
Now for my layout... I've used a photo taken at Buckley Falls, just down the road from where we live. This is one of our favourite walking spots. We always have a couple of toy friends come along (who often get up to all sorts of antics lol) and sometimes Daddy, Aunty Mandy or Grandma joins us too! This layout I've used a photo of me and the boys... I don't get many photos of the boys with me in it too.
This was really quick and simple to put together. I've used some lovely Eco Park papers, a flower and button from A Li'l Something, and I've even gotten out the ol' embossing folders and embossed some foil :-) There is also hidden journaling in the envelope.
Finally, here is my wintery giveaway.
It includes some of the Echo Park papers, some cardstock and a few embellies as well. All you have to do to be in the running is leave a comment below. Although, I would love for you to become a follower too, as it's the first time I've ever really put my blog out there... I'm a bit of a closet blogger lol. The random winner will be picked this time next week (10am, Friday 3rd August) and I will post the winner here shortly after.
Well that's it from me. Thanks a bunch for stopping by! Next you need to pop over to Karen's beautiful blog. I hope you're having a wonderful day and enjoy the rest of the blog hop!
Well that's it from me. Thanks a bunch for stopping by! Next you need to pop over to Karen's beautiful blog. I hope you're having a wonderful day and enjoy the rest of the blog hop!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Stuck - July 1st Sketch
Hello! I had a play last night while the boys were sleeping and Darren was working late. I decided to give this sketch a go:

It's the July 1st sketch form Stuck?! LOVE this sketch! So much fun to work with and so many fabulous interpretations of it here and here! This is what I came up with:

It's the July 1st sketch form Stuck?! LOVE this sketch! So much fun to work with and so many fabulous interpretations of it here and here! This is what I came up with:
A bright, happy and just a little bit messy layout... just like Royce! Loving the turquoise, orange, yellow colour combo at the moment. I used my new favourite Glimmer Mist (Dragonfly) for the background and to spray the Manor House flower to match. And see the little silver tag in the corner... It's a Rivers tag that I have just stamped on the reverse side ;-) Well that's it from me. I better get my butt into gear and go pick up Evan from school. It's Royce's favourite day because we get to sing... the National Anthem at assembly lol. Hope you're having a SUPER day and thanks for stopping by :-)
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Purple Pumpkin Giveaway!
Just a really quick post... Purple Pumpkin are having a sale on the 27th of July!!! They have some gorgeous stuff... and because it's their 2nd birthday sale they have a free gift bag with every order, woohoo! They also have their lucky dip bags... my absolute favourite item... I LOVE surprises! And last but definitely not least... they have a giveaway!!! SUPER easy to enter. All the details are here. And this is what you could win:

Awesome!!! Hope you're having a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by. P.S. I'm going to try to get this blogging thing happening more regularly again :-)

Awesome!!! Hope you're having a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by. P.S. I'm going to try to get this blogging thing happening more regularly again :-)
Friday, June 15, 2012
Kraft It Up June Challenge
Good afternoon. Well it's been a long while since I updated my blog! I have been doing a little scrapping... just not sharing :-/ Anyway, here is my latest creation that I finished last night with a lovely friend to keep me company... and motivated :-)
I started this for the Kraft It Up June challenge and thought I had gone off track as I hadn't used three different patterned papers (I haven't used any lol), but luckily I had another looksie and the criteria what 3 photos, 3 different types of alphas and 3 or more WORDS IN THE TITLE... yay! Oh and a masked background. For my background I used the left over sheet from some Fancy Pants clear alphabet die cuts, spraying with Smooch Spritz. Love the effect! Anyway that's it from me at the moment as my youngest is yelling out for me... and those who know Royce know that he doesn't stop until he gets a reply :-D I will endeavor to update with a few of my layouts I've finished in the next week or so. In the mean time head I recommend you head over to the June Challenge for Kraft It Up to have a squiz at the DT examples and the other entries, as they're all SUPER! Thanks for stopping by and I hope you're having a terrific day!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Purple Pumpkin: March Sketch
Hi!!! It's been a while. It's the usual excuse. Either no time or no energy. BUT, yesterday my friend came over to do some creating with me. AND I started and FINISHED a layout in ONE sitting! Pretty good effort for me. Here it is:
Just a couple of SUPER cute photos of my boys at our local park :-D I've used the latest, and I must say gorgeous, sketch from Purple Pumpkin. If you want to join in for this sketch challenge or check out the DT's lovely work and other SUPER entries head here. I've dived into my *cough* growing stash of Purple Pumkin embellies. I've used a couple of buttons, doiles and love hearts. The hard part is deciding what NOT to put on LOL. I also tried something a bit diff on this layout. I've mixed some glimmer mist and paint and swiped it accross for the background. To add more colour I've also just swiped glimmermist over top while the paint was still wet. You can't really see it well in the photo, but it's quite a nice effect. I also found laying around a super large bread tag (technically a potato tag). So I added some rub-ons to that (haven't used rub-ons of AGES).
Well that's about it from me. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you're having a SUPER DUPER day!
Just a couple of SUPER cute photos of my boys at our local park :-D I've used the latest, and I must say gorgeous, sketch from Purple Pumpkin. If you want to join in for this sketch challenge or check out the DT's lovely work and other SUPER entries head here. I've dived into my *cough* growing stash of Purple Pumkin embellies. I've used a couple of buttons, doiles and love hearts. The hard part is deciding what NOT to put on LOL. I also tried something a bit diff on this layout. I've mixed some glimmer mist and paint and swiped it accross for the background. To add more colour I've also just swiped glimmermist over top while the paint was still wet. You can't really see it well in the photo, but it's quite a nice effect. I also found laying around a super large bread tag (technically a potato tag). So I added some rub-ons to that (haven't used rub-ons of AGES).
Well that's about it from me. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you're having a SUPER DUPER day!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
A quick share!
Hi! I've been missing in actions lately. Among Christmas, holidays, birthdays and back to school I haven't had too much time to scrap. But I have managed one layout! Cute little Royce :-) I never want to forget his dear little voice and 'balloon' would have to be one of the cutest little words he says.
A bright, fun layout and check out the Purple Pumpkin flower and button... very cool! Their blog has HEAPS of inspirations if you need it too. Well that's me done. Better get organised and go pick Evan up from school. He's enjoying every minute of it, and that makes me one happy Mummy :-D Thanks for stopping by and hope you're having a SUPER day!
A bright, fun layout and check out the Purple Pumpkin flower and button... very cool! Their blog has HEAPS of inspirations if you need it too. Well that's me done. Better get organised and go pick Evan up from school. He's enjoying every minute of it, and that makes me one happy Mummy :-D Thanks for stopping by and hope you're having a SUPER day!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Week 2: Define your Personal Values
Okay I'm going to get straight into this... I have been thinking about this a lot this week... didn't think it would be too hard... but definitely got me thinking about what's important to me.
1. Marriage/Family
I've linked this together because I guess when I'm talking about my marriage I want to include what that has evolved into... and that includes my two beautiful boys. I'm surprised marriage made in to number one on my list. Especially since when I was a child/teenager/young adult I NEVER thought I would get married. Partly because I've never really 'fit in' when I was growing up and was never the girl the boys wanted, but also because I was a bit of a dreamer when I was growing up. I wanted to be a doctor or a vet or save our forests and endangered species. Marriage was never something I wanted... although companionship is something I longed for. However, I met Darren and everything changed. Building a life with him became my priority. It's what I wanted. Now it is everything to me. Our marriage is far from perfect and we certainly have had our rough patches. But when it comes down to it, I love Darren, I know he loves me, and we will both do everything we can to keep it strong... 'til death do us part' xoxox A marriage involves so many values, trust, honesty, commitment, love... It is something I want my boys to see and value.
2. Love
I tell my boys I love them every day and they tell me they love me. I often hear: "I love you Evan". "I love you too Royce". So amazing. I love my family and cherish them, even if we don't always get along. My boys are so lucky to have three Great-Grandparents who love them dearly. They may not understand it now, but in the future I hope they truly appreciate how lucky they are. Friends come under this category too for me. I don't have a huge amount of friends. Sometimes we get busy with life and don't see a lot of each other... but they are hugely important in my life and (I hope) they know that if they need me I will be there.
3. Gratitude
Something I think I have learned since meeting Darren and having our family. I was such a 'the glass is half empty' person when I was younger. I think I have turned that around... at least for the majority of the time. I think the love and support Darren has given me and the love I have for my boys has really helped me to develop this. Scrapbooking has also played a huge role. It has helped me to take notice of all the lovely little things in our life and showed me what a huge difference they make to our life. We only have one life... it may not be perfect, but surely there must be some good bits... enjoy them and cherish them.
4. Discovery/learning
This would have been number one for me when I was younger. It had definitely taken a back seat in my life at the moment, but is still and probably always be in the top 5. I loved school as a child. Loved reading and learning. Especially about science and our natural evironment. I studied science at uni and then finished my teaching degree just before I had Evan. I wanted children to grow up with the enthusiasm for learning that I had. I haven't really done any teaching yet, other than a handful of days relief teaching... I'm not sure I even want to now. I'm to involved with my boys. I don't want to teach full time and lose the ethusiasm I have. I want to give my boys all I can. My eldest son has been diagnosed with Autism. He is the most amazing little boy who looks at the world a lot like I did when I was little... with wonderment. He is re-teaching me at the moment the importance of this value.
5. Passion
I'm surprised this made it to my top 5... but I wanted to express the need to live life and enjoy life... make time to do the things you want to do. I guess I could have put this under love or learning. But I could also perhaps broaden this happiness.
Everyone has to have a passion in life. For my husband it is football and vintage motorcycles. For me it is scrapbooking and the environment. Now I'm not going to make out that I am a wonderful environmentalist who doesn't waste, always uses recycle products etc. I'm not. But I still love the outdoors. We live in the most beautiful country (Australia) and I fully appreciate that. In the future I would love to help injured native wildlife and get more involve in volunteer groups. Life at the moment is a little too busy, but in the future...
Scrapbooking is my outlet. It's my time to make a mess and play with fun things. It's also a time for me to look back at all the amazing memories... good and bad. It's me time. Me and Darren share each others passions too which is nice. I have my motorcyle licence (something I have wanted to do since I was little). And he can probably reel of more native plant species than me... he has a much better memory than me. These things help both of us be happier people which in turn makes for a happier marriage. Well most of the time... it is a balancing act. Anyway, I will always try to let my boys (with in reason... safety first) persue their passions. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my boys happy (even if they decide to play cricket... yuck).
Oh... and a bit of passion when it comes to our marriage doesn't go astray either ;-)
6, 7 and 8 - fun/laughter, health and open-mindedness
I just wanted to add what else I would add... and if I was writing this on a different day, these may have made it. FUN!!! Yep no explanation needed here. Laughing so hard that it hurts is something I would never say no to. Just last night my youngest had me in tears. I was saying to him while we were shopping that day that he knew too much and has been watching too much telly as he knew all the shops we went into. Then that night he's sitting on my knee when he looks at my bra strap and asks me if I'm wearing a 'genie bra'. For those who don't know, they are one of those TV shopping items... you know "but wait there's more!!!". Boy he made me laugh.
HEALTH. I'm lucky that my family and I are fairly healthy (although I could lose a few... okay quite a few kilos). I'm far from the healthiest person. My sister is a personal trainer and health fanatic. And this would easily be in the top three on her list. Me, well I think you can be healthy with out it taking over your life. I know I could do more excercise and eat better sometimes. But when I'm talking about health I'm just talking about feeling good. Mentally and physically. I feel good after a swim, but I feel just as good after a jump on trampoline or a ride on my scooter with my boys. I feel good after a cuppa and chat with a good friend. I make sure my boys get as much good food as possible. They both love salad will eat it till the cows come home... we eat a lot of salad. I want them active to. Sometimes they don't do enough of this, but most of the time they do.
Open-mindedness - This probably didn't make it to the list because I'm not sure how important it is to me... it's just part of who I am, although a lot of people I know probably wouldn't even realise how open-minded I am. Don't get me wrong, I certainly have my opinions... and sometimes I think I need to keep them to myself... but I am open to others. I can usually understand why they think that way. I don't always agree with people decisions, but in the end it's their decision. This is my life, and other peoples live are their lives. I'm also open to new ideas and new challenges. I'll pretty much give anything a go.
Well that's it. It's taken a while to get all this down... if your still with me thanks for hanging in there :-)
1. Marriage/Family
I've linked this together because I guess when I'm talking about my marriage I want to include what that has evolved into... and that includes my two beautiful boys. I'm surprised marriage made in to number one on my list. Especially since when I was a child/teenager/young adult I NEVER thought I would get married. Partly because I've never really 'fit in' when I was growing up and was never the girl the boys wanted, but also because I was a bit of a dreamer when I was growing up. I wanted to be a doctor or a vet or save our forests and endangered species. Marriage was never something I wanted... although companionship is something I longed for. However, I met Darren and everything changed. Building a life with him became my priority. It's what I wanted. Now it is everything to me. Our marriage is far from perfect and we certainly have had our rough patches. But when it comes down to it, I love Darren, I know he loves me, and we will both do everything we can to keep it strong... 'til death do us part' xoxox A marriage involves so many values, trust, honesty, commitment, love... It is something I want my boys to see and value.
2. Love
I tell my boys I love them every day and they tell me they love me. I often hear: "I love you Evan". "I love you too Royce". So amazing. I love my family and cherish them, even if we don't always get along. My boys are so lucky to have three Great-Grandparents who love them dearly. They may not understand it now, but in the future I hope they truly appreciate how lucky they are. Friends come under this category too for me. I don't have a huge amount of friends. Sometimes we get busy with life and don't see a lot of each other... but they are hugely important in my life and (I hope) they know that if they need me I will be there.
3. Gratitude
Something I think I have learned since meeting Darren and having our family. I was such a 'the glass is half empty' person when I was younger. I think I have turned that around... at least for the majority of the time. I think the love and support Darren has given me and the love I have for my boys has really helped me to develop this. Scrapbooking has also played a huge role. It has helped me to take notice of all the lovely little things in our life and showed me what a huge difference they make to our life. We only have one life... it may not be perfect, but surely there must be some good bits... enjoy them and cherish them.
4. Discovery/learning
This would have been number one for me when I was younger. It had definitely taken a back seat in my life at the moment, but is still and probably always be in the top 5. I loved school as a child. Loved reading and learning. Especially about science and our natural evironment. I studied science at uni and then finished my teaching degree just before I had Evan. I wanted children to grow up with the enthusiasm for learning that I had. I haven't really done any teaching yet, other than a handful of days relief teaching... I'm not sure I even want to now. I'm to involved with my boys. I don't want to teach full time and lose the ethusiasm I have. I want to give my boys all I can. My eldest son has been diagnosed with Autism. He is the most amazing little boy who looks at the world a lot like I did when I was little... with wonderment. He is re-teaching me at the moment the importance of this value.
5. Passion
I'm surprised this made it to my top 5... but I wanted to express the need to live life and enjoy life... make time to do the things you want to do. I guess I could have put this under love or learning. But I could also perhaps broaden this happiness.
Everyone has to have a passion in life. For my husband it is football and vintage motorcycles. For me it is scrapbooking and the environment. Now I'm not going to make out that I am a wonderful environmentalist who doesn't waste, always uses recycle products etc. I'm not. But I still love the outdoors. We live in the most beautiful country (Australia) and I fully appreciate that. In the future I would love to help injured native wildlife and get more involve in volunteer groups. Life at the moment is a little too busy, but in the future...
Scrapbooking is my outlet. It's my time to make a mess and play with fun things. It's also a time for me to look back at all the amazing memories... good and bad. It's me time. Me and Darren share each others passions too which is nice. I have my motorcyle licence (something I have wanted to do since I was little). And he can probably reel of more native plant species than me... he has a much better memory than me. These things help both of us be happier people which in turn makes for a happier marriage. Well most of the time... it is a balancing act. Anyway, I will always try to let my boys (with in reason... safety first) persue their passions. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my boys happy (even if they decide to play cricket... yuck).
Oh... and a bit of passion when it comes to our marriage doesn't go astray either ;-)
6, 7 and 8 - fun/laughter, health and open-mindedness
I just wanted to add what else I would add... and if I was writing this on a different day, these may have made it. FUN!!! Yep no explanation needed here. Laughing so hard that it hurts is something I would never say no to. Just last night my youngest had me in tears. I was saying to him while we were shopping that day that he knew too much and has been watching too much telly as he knew all the shops we went into. Then that night he's sitting on my knee when he looks at my bra strap and asks me if I'm wearing a 'genie bra'. For those who don't know, they are one of those TV shopping items... you know "but wait there's more!!!". Boy he made me laugh.
HEALTH. I'm lucky that my family and I are fairly healthy (although I could lose a few... okay quite a few kilos). I'm far from the healthiest person. My sister is a personal trainer and health fanatic. And this would easily be in the top three on her list. Me, well I think you can be healthy with out it taking over your life. I know I could do more excercise and eat better sometimes. But when I'm talking about health I'm just talking about feeling good. Mentally and physically. I feel good after a swim, but I feel just as good after a jump on trampoline or a ride on my scooter with my boys. I feel good after a cuppa and chat with a good friend. I make sure my boys get as much good food as possible. They both love salad will eat it till the cows come home... we eat a lot of salad. I want them active to. Sometimes they don't do enough of this, but most of the time they do.
Open-mindedness - This probably didn't make it to the list because I'm not sure how important it is to me... it's just part of who I am, although a lot of people I know probably wouldn't even realise how open-minded I am. Don't get me wrong, I certainly have my opinions... and sometimes I think I need to keep them to myself... but I am open to others. I can usually understand why they think that way. I don't always agree with people decisions, but in the end it's their decision. This is my life, and other peoples live are their lives. I'm also open to new ideas and new challenges. I'll pretty much give anything a go.
Well that's it. It's taken a while to get all this down... if your still with me thanks for hanging in there :-)
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
52 weeks to simplify your life
I was catching up on a few blogs this morning when I came accross Home Life Simplified. Here there is a challenge just started up... 52 weeks to simplify your life.
Now I don't think my life is particularly complicated, nor do I see myself as a negative person (anymore). Scrapbooking has been a large part in helping me see the positives in my life and will always play a role in keeping me positive. This challenge I think will compliment my crafting well and perhaps keep me on track when I am too busy or tired to do any scrapbooking. It is up to Week 2, so I thought I might do Week 1 today and then in a day or so look at Week 2. Then I will be up to date :-)
Week #1 Challenge: Create a list of everything that went “right” in 2011
I think 2011 was such a positive year for me and my family. Darren and I seemed to be on the same page most of the year. We had a few BIG barneys, but we seem to be able to talk through them better and listen to what the other person is saying a better too. I think we both agree too that for a marriage to work both of us have to work at it and both of us need to make comprimises and sacrifices for the marriage and our relationship. Not everyone agrees with me on this one... but Darren does so that's the main thing. Towards the beginning of the year Darren was not a happy chappy. He was not happy in his work place and felt he was being taken advantage of. He would bring it home and it did not make for a happy homelife. We eventually worked things out (after a massive argument) and he really did make a concious effort not to be unhappy at home, just because he was at work. I am so proud of him for that, because I know how hard it is to do. As the year went on his work finally signed him out (mature age apprenticeship) and he seemed to be much more content with work... at least he was being paid for what he was doing and had been doing for pretty much his entire apprenticeship. This post is becoming rather long so I might just do the rest in point form
Now I don't think my life is particularly complicated, nor do I see myself as a negative person (anymore). Scrapbooking has been a large part in helping me see the positives in my life and will always play a role in keeping me positive. This challenge I think will compliment my crafting well and perhaps keep me on track when I am too busy or tired to do any scrapbooking. It is up to Week 2, so I thought I might do Week 1 today and then in a day or so look at Week 2. Then I will be up to date :-)
Week #1 Challenge: Create a list of everything that went “right” in 2011
I think 2011 was such a positive year for me and my family. Darren and I seemed to be on the same page most of the year. We had a few BIG barneys, but we seem to be able to talk through them better and listen to what the other person is saying a better too. I think we both agree too that for a marriage to work both of us have to work at it and both of us need to make comprimises and sacrifices for the marriage and our relationship. Not everyone agrees with me on this one... but Darren does so that's the main thing. Towards the beginning of the year Darren was not a happy chappy. He was not happy in his work place and felt he was being taken advantage of. He would bring it home and it did not make for a happy homelife. We eventually worked things out (after a massive argument) and he really did make a concious effort not to be unhappy at home, just because he was at work. I am so proud of him for that, because I know how hard it is to do. As the year went on his work finally signed him out (mature age apprenticeship) and he seemed to be much more content with work... at least he was being paid for what he was doing and had been doing for pretty much his entire apprenticeship. This post is becoming rather long so I might just do the rest in point form
- The two boys enjoyed one day a week in daycare and this made my life just that little bit easier. It gave me that little bit of time to get things done, relax and catch up on sleep from my late night shifts.
- Through daycare, kinder, speech and occupational therapy Evan has made AMAZING progress and is now ready to start school. He is an exceptional little boy and I have completely embraced his diagnosis of Autism... there are so many things about Evan that make him special... Autism is a part of who he is and I certainly wouldn't want to change a thing about him.We finally updated Darrens tired old van to a lovely brand spanking new Holden Colorado. Darren always says "good things come to those who wait"... drives me insane sometimes when he says this... but his right. We have both been working hard, watching what we spend and saving when we can since we married... and now we are starting to see "the light at the end of the tunnel"... another one of Darrens favourite sayings. But it's true... financially we really are getting to where we want to be...
- Royce is my cheeky little monkey who can make me smile when no one else can :-) It's so hard to be angry with him (sometimes I have put on my angry mothers face when I'm pissing myself laughing on the inside) and impossible to stay angry with him for long.
- This last point leads me to probably my final point... otherwise I may be here all day. Darren and I have been looking at what we want to do 'as a family'. We both love the outdoors and the simple life and camping is something we both enjoy, although haven't done much of since we've been together. But seeing some of this beautiful country of ours as a family really has become something we are both excited about... the boys are so excited too!!! We're even looking at investing in either a camper trailer or campervan. But for now the good ol' tent will do :-) This friday will be our first family camping exhibition. We're heading to Lake Colace, just for a night, for Evan's birthday. We've already got our next date set too! Happy, exciting times ahead!!!
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