Friday, October 26, 2012

Blog Hop... Numbers!

Good morning!  Thanks for joining us for this little blog hop.  I'm first cab off the rank!

And here is a list of the gorgeous ladies joining us this month... just in case you get lost.

Kerri <--- You are here :-)
Ok... Numbers...  Well obviously there are many numbers that may be important to people.  Birthdays, anniversaries, lucky numbers etc.  I started writing this post with a couple of dates... the day I met met my husband, and the day I became a Mum.  Two very significant numbers for obvious reasons!  However, my post was going into WAY to much detail and I didn't think anyone would have made it to the end.  

So I've got a different number in my head now... 365 (or 366 if it's a leap year).  Yep!  Make every day count I say!!!  Now, people who know me might argue that I don't.  I don't have any HUGE career aspirations, personal goals or even much of a bucket list!  But you know what, I'm HAPPY!  And every day I get to spend with my husband and my boys is a blessing!  Sometimes I think people are too busy trying to 'reach their goals' that they're missing out on the little things in life that can have just as much impact.  I'm not saying people shouldn't have goals, dreams or shouldn't want to be high achievers.  I think there just needs to be balance.  You know... "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things" ~Robert Brault

For me, scrapbooking has played a big part in helping me to see this.  When I was younger the glass was always half empty... I really wasn't enjoying life - appreciating life.  Scrapbooking really has opened my eyes.  It's made me look at all the positives, no matter how small.  It really did turned my life around.  Although I was never formally diagnosed... I would say that I suffered depression... quite bad too.  To the extent that I really struggled living every day!  They were all just so god damn hard!  Even though I still have a few crappy days here and there, it never seems ANYWHERE near as bad as what it was back then.  Really do have scrapbooking to thank for that.  Scrapbooking and my boys of course!

A couple of years ago I actually did Project 365... to have a record of all those little things.  For those who haven't heard of this, it's where you take a photo every day for a year.  OK.  I admit it was hard work.  And I did miss one day.  But I did it.  Not every day had a photo... but it had something.  As it was every day, the scrapbooking was not highly inventive, or even particularly attractive.... but it's there, and I love having it!!!  Here are a few examples... 

It is just in a normal A4 binder (or four actually).  Most pages have two days to a page, although I was not strict on this... one page I even managed to squeeze four days lol.  If your really want to record all the little things in your life, this is a great project!  I will probably do it again... maybe in a year or two.  It will probably be more basic, just a photo with a line of journalling...  Although it was a great way to use up all those scraps!!!  And it's funny that I didn't include it at some stage over the year, but I have fond memories of dropping off my eldest at Kinder and taking my youngest down to Dick Smith once a week/fornight to get the photos printed out.  We would get some chippies or a doughnut from the shop next door, and just spend time together.  It really was a Mummy and Royce 'thing'. 

OK, enough babble from me.  Thanks for stopping by and ENJOY the rest of our numbers hop!  For this you need to head Lucy's gorgeous blog :-)

And remember...
“The most important things in life aren't things.” Anthony J. D'Angelo


  1. Wonderful Kerri, Glad that scrapbooking has changed you life, there are a few of us that its done that too!! Fantastic for sticking out the 365, I am doing the monthly with fat mum slim and I am slipping up that's for sure!!

  2. I love your take on 365 (366) and isn't it beautiful to pull the album out to review how scrapping helps you see that life is a joy.... Thank you for sharing it with us

  3. Wow, I love love love the idea of Project 365. One year I will do this, just need to get more organised. Love your take on the project, your photos are scrapped so so well.

  4. Love this idea! I'm doing the 52 weeks and find that hard enough (LOL) so good on you - what a lovely record for your family!
